Legacy Aasimar Expansion

Plane touched by the celestial, or directly descended from one, they are heralded as omens of good fortune and bear great responsibility from birth. Aasimar hold much power and those who learn to channel their heavenly connection can gain even more simply from being what they are. Even the fallen have power of a kind, corrupted though it may be. 
 Lineage Feats
Unearthly Healing
Prerequisite: Aasimar (Fallen)
When you deal necrotic damage with your Necrotic Shroud you gain an equal amount of temporary hit points.
Burning Radiance
Prerequisite: Aasimar (Scourge)
When you activate your Radiant Consumption trait everyone within a 10-foot radius of you must succeed a Constitution saving throw DC 8+Proficiency+Charisma or be Blinded until the beginning of your next turn. 

 Rules Reminder

If you have temporary hit points and receive more of them, you decide whether to keep the ones you have or to gain the new ones. For example, if a spell grants you 12 temporary hit points when you already have 10, you can have 12 or 10, not 22.
If you have 0 hit points, receiving temporary hit points doesn't restore you to consciousness or stabilize you. They can still absorb damage directed at you while you're in that state, but only true healing can save you.
Unless a feature that grants you, temporary hit points have a duration, they last until they're depleted, or you finish a long rest.
Wings of Protection
Prerequisite: Aasimar (Protection)
While you have you Radiant Soul trait active you may use a reaction to give an attack disadvantage within 10ft of you, as you attempt to block the attack with your wings.
Celestial Magic
Prerequisite: Aasimar
You either know the cantrip Sacred Flame or Toll the Dead. You can cast Detect Evil and Good as a 1st level spell once per short rest and can also cast either Bless or Bane as 1st level spell once per long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these.
Eyes of the Upper Planes
Prerequisite: Aasimar
You can spend 1 minute opening up your divine bloodline up to the creases of reality, for 10 minutes you can see into the ethereal plane and see-through invisibility and illusions. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before using it again. 
 Unique Items
These items are a mixture of Aasimar exclusive and celestial based. Most of them are common or uncommon and very few require attunement, that is because for most of these it is about the flavour that comes with having these than the practical use of them.
Crystal of Illumination
Wonderous Item, Common (requires an Aasimar to use it)
A small crystal of cut glass that casts rainbows then the light catches it. When an Aasimar casts the Light cantrip through this crystal the radius of both the bright light and dim light are doubled.  
Token of Second Chances
Wonderous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement from an Aasimar)
A black feather that burns till its ashy and white when you are knocked unconscious. While you have this attuned and are knocked to 0 hit point you may choose to go back to 1 at the start of your turn. When you do so the ashy feather becomes inert and crumbles into pieces.
Potion of Molten Light
Potion, Common
After drinking this potion your eyes beam with a radiant white glow, making you shed dim light for 10 feet. You also see everything within your usual range as if it were in bright light. These effects last for 1 hour.  
Potion of Molten Shadow
Potion, Common
After drinking this potion your eyes go pure black, with wisps of darkness floating out from them. If you are currently in bright light the area around you turns to dim light, in a radius of 10 feet. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
Shard of a Shattered Halo
Wonderous Item, Uncommon (requires an Aasimar or a Celestial to use it)
What looks like a piece of rough quartz when held by anyone else, pulses with the faintest glow when held by an aasimar, activated by their celestial connection.
While in this state the holder has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks, but also cannot tell a lie. The activation ends as soon as the user is no longer holding it.
Adventuring Gear, Very Rare
Food from the Celestial Planes, considered by some to be the food of the gods, it is a both an incredibly rare and divisive source of sustenance. But, with what it offers in restorative benefits, there is rarely an adventurer who would turn down the opportunity to buy such a thing.
When eaten the person gains the same benefits of someone who has eaten food created by Heroes’ Feast, except that instead of rolling for the increase to your hit point maximum you take the maximum amount. 
 Adventuring Gear  
Category: Items 
Item Rarity: Very Rare 
Weight: 2 
 Benefits: These benefits last for 24 hours:
- The creature is cured of all Diseases and poison.
- Immunity to poison and being Frightened.
- Advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
- Its hit point maximum also increases by 20, and it gains the same number of Hit Points.  


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