Dohwar Lineage

“Dohwars are short, pudgy, flightless avians that look and move like penguins. They are inveterate merchants, always looking for an opportunity to turn a profit. Dohwars conduct their dealings in secrecy, preferring to do business in dark alleys and out-of-the-way places even when the items being bought or sold aren’t illegal or dangerous. They tend to dress in a garish mishmash of clothing, but many of them also Shroud themselves in hooded cloaks. A group of dohwars is called a cartel.


The average dohwar stands 3 feet tall and has bright plumage. Instead of wings, it has arms and tiny hands.”

- Boo's Astral Menagerie


Dohwar Personality


Communal creatures, Dohwar can be found in small communities all over the wildspace.  Those who grew up in such communities can be expected to have at least a mild respect of the gods of trade and wealth.





You are polite to a fault. Everyone is a potential customer or business partner, and you don’t want to make a bad impression.


You expect everything to be a trade, including when you are given gifts.


Your telepathic voice sounds like a stage whisper.


You never barter when buying or selling unless you know something is priced completely unreasonably.


You like to dye your plumage to have more than one colour.


Even when travelling with strangers, you like to huddle close.


Dohwar Names


Dohwar prefer to talk to creatures with telepathy, as such they tend not to choose standard names. Instead, their names are more of a collage of images, sounds, or even memories, that then become simplified over time.


Rarely do Dohwar pick a spoken name, and allow other creatures to decide how they will parse the telepathic version.


Dohwar Traits


Your dohwar character has the following lineage traits.


Creature Type. You are Fey.

Size. You are Small.

Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet, and you have a swimming speed is double your walking speed.

Telepathic Bond.  You can telepathically speak to up to two creatures you can see within 30 feet of you.

Slip and Slide. When you take the dash action you can slide on your belly, increasing your speed by 10 feet this turn.

In addition, if you are knocked prone, you can spend your reaction to slide half your movement in a direction of your choice.

Unless you use your movement, you will still remain prone after using this trait.

Psionic Spellcaster. You can cast the detect thoughts spell with this trait.

Once you cast this spell with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast these Spells using any Spell Slots you have.

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your Spellcasting ability for these Spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this lineage).


Dohwar Feats

As a dohwar the following lineage feats are available to you.


Brain Freeze

Prerequisite: Dohwar


You are used to the cold harsh void of wildspace, the blizzards and snow of lands below. You have learned how to focus thoughts of it towards your rivals to disarm and distract. When you take this feat you gain the following benefits:

·        Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20

·        As bonus action you are able to fill the mind of your foes with ice and cold. Until the start of your next turn, hostile creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain spells or effect.

Once you have used this ability you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Cold Commerce

Prerequisite: Dohwar


Blessed by the gods of commerce, you have become discerning when it comes to the business deals you make. You gain the following benefits when taking this feat:

·        Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20

·        When you inspect an item you are able to know the market value of it, no check required. You would also know the best place, you know of, to sell it.

·        You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when selling an item to get full price.


Deep Dive

Prerequisite: Dohwar


You can now cast detect thoughts a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier without expending a spell slot. Additionally, when you probe deeper with this spell, the target is unaware of you doing so if it fails.


Psychic Slide

Prerequisite: Dohwar


Your mind focuses when you’re sliding on the ice, usually visible by small ice crystals and gems that peak from the crown of your head. While using your slip and slide lineage trait you can choose to mentally protect yourself until the start of your next turn.

Any damage taken is reduced by an amount equal to your intelligence score.  

Once you have used this ability you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.




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