Dhampir Lineage

existence of the undead was an afront to life itself. As even if she weren’t fully undead, she could still not be trusted, it would be allowing the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak, even if the cat had been taught to play nice it would only take one bad turn, and it could all go awry. I’ve seen it before.”
-Megan Suzette, Notes of a Hearth Keeper
Not quite mortal, not quite immortal, dhampirs live precariously between the two, never able to reconcile their opposing natures. As even when mostly integrated within society there is still the chance they may give into their bloodlust, and even if they don’t the fact that other humanoids expect such a thing puts a barrier between them and the rest of the world.

Made or Born
The first instance of dhampirs is something that is hard to pin down, not simply because dhampirs tend to be secretive about their existence, or that because of this not many folks even know that their existence is possible, but because there are two ways in which such beings can be brought about. Born or made.
Being born is a simple matter of a vampire and a mortal having a child. There are some slight oddities, the child needing blood as well as milk, and some minor differences in their look, but otherwise they age the same as a mortal until they reach maturity.
Made dhampirs however are an entirely different kettle of fish. The changes between their mortal relations and themselves are much clearer, their bloodlust, especially during the early stages, a lot more pronounced. They also slow their aging as soon as the process takes effect, creating situations of children being stuck as such for decades.

Dhampir Appearance
Dhampirs can vary in how vampiric they look vs their mortal race, sometimes the mix can lead to interesting colour variations or features; albino tiefling, with obvious dark veins showing under their skin, double tusked orcs with teeth equally sharp, and aasimar who have an aura of shadow instead of an aura of light.
However, some features are usually fairly consistent; a set of long sharp canines, with shorter pointed teeth either side, a lack of shadow, and a lack of reflection in silver backed mirrors. Meaning that even without detection spells these aspects can sometimes give these creatures away in more perceptive circles.

Dhampir Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your constitution, charisma and dexterity all increase by 1.
Age. Due to your vampiric blood your aging slows by 10, for instance a human with a lifespan of century could now live a millennium.
Size. You retain the size and weight of your mortal parentage. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You cant discern colour in Darkness, only shades of grey.
Undead Heritage. Despite being a living creature there is a residue of undeath about you, because of this you can be detected by spells and effects such as detect good and evil. You are also immune to disease and have resistance to necrotic damage.
Vampiric Hunger. In addition to having to consume food and drink, you must also drink fresh blood once per month or suffer a level of exhaustion.
Predators Charm. You gain proficiency in deception.
Bite. Your bite does 1d4 + your strength modifier piercing damage.
Sunlight sensitivity. While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak common and one other language of your choice.
Lineage Feats
Through training, or raw talent, some dhampirs are able to hone their vampiric talents more than others. Whether that be their ability to track down prey or dark arcane magic, they are able to do what most cannot. Others however, use their time and energy learning to shed their undead taint.
Bloody Aura  
Prerequisite: Dhampir
Your kind are known for their bloodlust, and you are more in tune with it than most, able to clearly hear the sound of a heartbeat behind closed doors, or the scent of blood across a ballroom.
-        Increase you Wisdom or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
-        You gain advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks for living creatures. You do not gain the benefits of this feature for living creatures who do not have blood.
-        You gain advantage on Wisdom (survival) checks when tracking a creature with less than its max total of hit points.
Vampiric Magic
Prerequisite: Dhampir
You gain a greater understanding of the power your vampiric bloodline gives you access to. You learn the Cause Fear spell and can cast it at will without expending a spell slot. You also learn Suggestion, as well as the spell Gaseous Form targeted at yourself only, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast these two spells in this way when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for all three.
You have gone through great pains to shed some of your vampiric ancestry, whether through visiting a temple, or communing to ancient forces, you have been able to regain a little more of your mortality. 
-        You can no longer be detected as undead through you Undead Heritage racial trait.
-        You are no longer affected by sunlight sensitivity.
Prerequisite: Dhampir (has not got the Purified feat)
You have embraced your blood thirsty nature, drinking blood more frequently to gain power. So long as you drink fresh blood once per week, you now gain the following benefits:
-        You can cast the spell Spider Climb without expending a spell slot. You regain this ability after a short or long rest.
-        Your Darkvision now extends to 120ft.


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