Cleric Subclass: Hearth Domain

Gods of the Hearth bless their followers with the ability to keep their communities safe and expand their knowledge, so they are able enough to welcome strangers to the fold. Most clerics of this domain are from small towns and villages where showy abilities are less helpful than just being able to cure and aid the people in their care, both physically and emotionally. Sometimes such clerics leave their enclosed communities to find other places in need of such spiritual protection.
Hearth Domain Spells
1st: Bless, Comprehend Languages
3rd: Prayer of Healing, Calm Emotions
5th: Beacon of Hope, Tongues
7th: Aura of Purity, Guardian of Faith
9th: Mass Cure Wounds, Antilife Shell  
Priest of the People. You gain proficiency in persuasion and an extra language of your choice. 
Protection of Hospitality. Starting when you choose this domain at 1st level, when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell to a creature while out of combat, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Chanel Divinity: Bright Defender.  Starting at 2nd level, as a reaction can use your channel divinity when a creature within 30ft, other than yourself, takes damage to reduce the damage by 2d10. If the amount rolled reduces the damage past 0 the attacked target heals the excess.
Warmth of the Hearth. At 6th level when you take a long rest you are protected by the spirits of the hearth, during this time, you, and friendly creatures within 30ft of you are under the effects of the sanctuary spell. This spell wears off as soon as the long rest has ended.
Potent Spellcasting. Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Flame of Restoration. As an action you produce your holy symbol and send out a wave of cleansing energy when you reach 17th level. Creatures of your choice within a 30ft radius of you are cured of the poisoned, stunned, charmed, and frightened conditions, as well as any disease or exhaustion that is hindering them.
They also gain the following benefits for the next minute.
- They have advantage on saves against being poisoned, stunned, charmed, and frightened.
- So long as they have at least 1 hit point, they gain healing equal to your Wisdom modifier at the beginning of their turn.
- Creatures at 0 hit points who have been affected by this feature immediately stabilize.


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