Bard Subclass: College of the Flame Tongue

 Fire is a wild creature, hard to tame and dangerous even if you are able. There are some however, like yourself, who realize to play with fire you don’t need to tame it, simply do your best to befriend it. You can create spectacular light shows and perform daring feats through mere conversation with the flames. But fire does not make for a loyal ally, so caution must always be advised.
Flame Tongue Quirks.
A sharp tongue has got you burned on more than one occasion.
You summon fire in quiet moments.
It's fun to leave your mark behind, even if that mark is scorched.
Sometimes you call the flames to you without realizing.
Fire reacts to your presence, even if you don’t mean it to.
You are always warm to the touch, sometimes burning.
Expanded Spell List
The College of the Flame Tongue lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a bard spell. The following spells are added to the bard spell list for you.
Expanded Spell List.
1st: Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke
2nd: Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray
3rd: Fireball, Fire Arrow
4th: Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
5th: Flame Strike, Immolation
Dazzling Performer. Your skill at crafting and manipulating fire has manifested in your magic. At 3rd level you gain the Produce Flame and Control Flames cantrips.
Distracting Flare. When taking this archetype, you can expend a use of bardic inspiration as a reaction to call the flames to defend you when a creature goes to attack you. When you do this, you deal fire damage equal to your bardic inspiration dice when hit by an attack until the start of your next turn.
Dramatic Blaze. At 6th level when you deal fire damage with bardic spells and cantrips or with your distracting flare feature you may now add your charisma modifier to the damage.
Fiery Soul. When you reach 14th level whenever you use your Distracting Flare feature you can roll a d6 and use it instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die.
In addition, now when you do expend a use of Bardic Inspiration to use Distracting Flare your attackers have disadvantage against you.


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