Rogue Subclass: Thrill Seeker

 Rogues are most known for the cunning and wile, but what really sets them apart from others is the way they don’t conform to proper behaviour. Instead of sneaking and backstabbing this rogue runs into danger and runs out without a care of safety, gaining the advantage with their unpredictable movements.
Reckless Sprint. At 3rd level, if you have moved at least 5 feet on your turn towards an enemy you are able to gain sneak attack without needing to meet any of the other requirements.  
Risk/Reward. Also at 3rd level, after you roll your sneak attack die, but before the creature has taken damage, you can choose to take damage equal to your proficiency bonus to re-roll a number of sneak attack dice of the same amount.
Sly Movement. At 9th level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity (acrobatics) and Strength (athletics) checks, and gain advantage on them during combat.
In addition, you can move through an enemy creatures space without penalty to movement, and opportunity attacks incurred while doing so are made at disadvantage.   
Quick Attack. Starting at 13th level, if you have used up all of your movement that turn you can use your bonus action to make one weapon attack. You can do this regardless of whether the weapon you attack with has the light property.   
Sudden Leap. When you reach 17th level and successfully deal sneak attack damage you are able to use your reaction to spring away and jump half your movement speed without taking attacks of opportunity.
If you jump towards a hostile creature and are able to attack again you may add your sneak attack damage on a hit.


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