Bard Subclass: College of Choir

 The College of Choir is known for their expertise in song and vocal control. Most learn from celestials, gifted the knowledge by those who admire their already beautiful voice, or otherwise have been beseeched for tutelage by those who have ambitions of greatness. Those who have mastered this craft are highly sought after by temples, who long to hear the celestial melodies fill their halls.
Bards of the College tend not to be beholden to any one faith, if any at all, and as such as much as their skills are craved by the religious, they are kept at a distance and never allowed to stay long.

Choir Quirks.

Often you catch yourself humming to yourself absent-mindedly, sometimes when you do it sounds as if others are joining in even if they’re not.

You find yourself being drawn to quiet places with wide, open spaces.

Sometimes you swear the stars are singing.

Pure silence is unnatural, you avoid areas that encourage it.

You don't know whether they can still hear you, but you enjoy talking to your celestial teacher nonetheless.

You find it hard to settle on a name for yourself and find yourself slipping into new ones as the mood suits.

Heavenly Voice. When you join the College of Choir at 3rd level you learn the Celestial language.
In addition, your experience with Celestial beings has helped you learn how to converse with them at ease, giving you advantage on charisma checks when speaking with them.
Inspiring Ensemble. Also, at 3rd level, when you use your bonus action to inspire a creature, any friendly creature within 5ft of them gains a d4 to use in the same way. As with bardic inspiration this must be used within the next 10 minutes.
Hallowed Chorus. At 6th level you gain access to the spell Spirit Guardians, this counts as a bardic spell for you and does not count towards your spells known. In addition, you can cast this spell at 3rd level once per day, without expending a spell slot.
Echoing Refrain. Beginning at 14th level, as an action, you start a haunting celestial melody that lasts 1 minute and sounds as if it is coming everywhere at once. During this minute, any single target enchantment spell you cast becomes more potent, allowing you to target an additional creature so long as they meet the spell's requirements. 
In addition, you have advantage on concentration checks to maintain your spells.
         Once you use the feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


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