Cleric Subclass: Depths Domain

Gods of the depths are as unforgiving and unknowable as the deep waters they oversee. Some require tribute and worship for protection from their grasp, some consider what lies at the bottom of the ocean enough for them so long as it remains undisturbed. Either way their clerics inspire fear from those who do not follow, living reminders of what lurks beneath the surface and the lost that can never be reclaimed.
Depths Domain Spells
1st – Armor of Agathys, Dissonant Whispers
3rd – Darkness, Snilloc's Snowball Storm
5th – Tidal Wave, Water Breathing
7th – Control Water, Evard's Black Tentacles
9th – Cone of Cold, Maelstrom
Rising Deep. When you take this domain at 1st level you are bestowed the power to summon the murky deep. As a bonus action water rises in a 15 feet radius centred on you, the water is 1 foot high and almost pitch black.
When you create this effect, choose a number of creatures in the 15 feet radius around you, those you choose must succeed a Charisma saving throw or have their speed reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn. 
This feature lasts for 1 minute, or you can also dismiss this ability as a free action. When it ends the water disperses and disappears.
Dark Waters. When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the Shape Water as a cantrip.
In addition, when you use this cantrip to change the water’s colour or opacity, if you are making it darker or opaquer you can affect a 10-foot cube instead 5-foot. 
Channel Divinity: Rip Tide. Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to twist the water around you and create currents under the surface. As an action each creature you choose who is in your Rising Deep feature, or within water at least 1 foot high within the same radius, must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Murky Lure. When you reach 6th level you gain more control over the currents under the surface. As a bonus action you can pull 1 creature 5 feet that is within your Rising Deep feature or in water at least 1 foot high within the same radius around you. They do not take attacks of opportunity when they are moved this way.
Divine strike. At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 Cold damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Grasping Deep. At 17th level you gain full control over the depth's unrelenting pull. As an action you can choose any number of creatures within your Rising Deep feature, or in water at least 1 foot high within the same radius around you, they must succeed a Strength saving throw, or they are engulfed by the pitch-black depths, becoming grappled and restrained.
If they fail their Strength saving throw by more than 5, they start suffocating at the start of their next turn.
At the end of their turn, they may repeat the saving throw.
You may use this feature again once you complete a short rest.


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