Barbarian Subclass: Path of the Reaper
There is nothing more terrifying than a barbarian who
has walked the path of the reaper. They show no quarter in battle, no mercy,
but that of a swift and final death. If you are their target, they are almost
unstoppable to escape.
The path of the reaper is not an easy one, and one few
can stomach. Often those who are drawn to it are those with a strong moral
compass, a clear idea of what is right and wrong to them, others serve a god of
death, and use their skills to hunt those avoiding their end, and some, some
just enjoy the kill. Regardless those who are recognized as reapers are given a
wide berth, for guessing what type they are incorrectly could lead to a quick
end that most would rather avoid.
1. When
raging your weapon and eyes radiate with a shadowy essence.
2. Outside
of combat you are just as sharp with your words as your weapon.
3. When
you mark someone for death your vision of them becomes filled with images of
their demise.
4. You
carry on you many weapons, with no preference for any, whatever gets
the job done.
5. You
remember the last words of everyone you kill.
6. Death is
the final destination of everyone, you restore order to those who would defy
Marked for Death. Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, when
you hit someone with an attack you may activate this feature and Mark them for
Death. When you mark a creature for death you gain these benefits against them:
learn their damage resistances, immunities, or vulnerabilities if any.
Once per
turn when you deal damage you may re-roll any 1s or 2s you roll on your weapon
damage die.
gain no benefits from being hidden or invisible against you.
So long as
you are going the most direct path to your target your movement is unaffected
by difficult terrain.
These last until they have been reduced to 0 hit
points or until you complete a short or long rest.
If they die you may move this onto the next creature
you attack.
Unstoppable Assailant. At 6th level if you are raging and become stunned or
incapacitated, you may still use your action to move towards and attack a
creature you have marked for death. This includes attack of
Fear the Reaper. At 10th level whenever you reduce the creature you
have marked for death to 0hp, every hostile creature within 30 feet of
you must succeed a wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8+Proficiency+Strength
or be Frightened for until the end of your next turn.
Fatal Blow. At 14th level when you land a critical hit on an
enemy you have marked for death you may choose to land a fatal blow. If
the target has under 100 hit points, they die instantly when using this
feature. If they do not, they take an additional weapon die of damage for every
2 levels you have in barbarian.
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