Wizard Subclass: School of Infernal Order

The Hells are a seductive study for any wizard who prefer power to practise. Some gain this school through securing a deal, others harness the power or dark artifacts, and some involve themselves in dangerous cults. The trouble with the School of Infernal Order is once you involve yourself with such devilish magic, it's hard to untangle yourself from its grasp.


School of Infernal Order Origin




You find an unsigned contract, the wording confusing, almost illegible in its complexity, you became obsessed with understanding it.


A cursed coin whispers secrets to you while you sleep, when you wake you barely remember what they are, but you begin to fill your spell book with them nonetheless.


You made a bargain with a devil long ago for power. You had almost forgotten until the spells began to appear in your book.


You won a game of cards to a mysterious person at a tavern, you thought the lavish bets had been hypothetical until now.


Your spell book disappeared for a day, when you found it the pages of smelled like sulphur.


A pact made in your family tree has given you a stronger connection than most with the hells, and a unique aptitude for its magic.


Infernal Tongue.

When you begin this school at 2nd level you are able to use Charisma instead of Intelligence as your casting modifier and know the Infernal language. In addition, when you make Intelligence checks to recall information about either fiends or the hells you are able to add your Charisma modifier to the roll.


Signed and Sealed

Your infernal studies have filled your mind and now your spellbook. Starting at 2nd level the following spells are added to your spellbook.


Spell Level



Charm Person, Command


Darkvision, Suggestion


Life Transference, Summon Lesser Demons


Charm Monster, Summon Greater Demon


Dominate Person, Infernal Calling


These spells count as wizard spells for you, and do not take time or cost to transcribe into a new spellbook if yours is destroyed or a new one procured. Mysteriously burning themselves into the new pages.

However, these spells can only be read by you and cannot be copied into another’s spellbook or crafted into a scroll. In addition, you must prepare at least 1 of these spells, for each spell level you are able to cast, or suffer disadvantage on intelligence checks until this is remedied.

As your mind wanders to the 9 hells and its devilish residents without the proper study.   


Spells Outside the SRD

Some spells listed are in other books outside the SRD and instead can be found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.

These include:

Life Transference, Summon Lesser Demons, Summon Greater Demon and Infernal Calling

If you are unable to get a hold of these spells consider talking with your DM about replacements, such as Flaming Sphere or Insect Plague.


Double Dealing.

Starting at 6th level you have learned how to make sure your enemies burn. When you deal Fire damage to a creature, you deal additional Fire damage at the start of their next turn. This Fire damage equals your Intelligence and Charisma Modifier.


Armour of the Hells.

When you reach level 10 your studies into the depraved and infernal spreads further into your magical studies. You gain the spell Hellish Rebuke if you didn’t have it already, as it sears itself into your spellbook. This spell is always prepared and can be cast at will as a 1st level spell.

In addition, when you roll the same number on two of your damage die you gain an AC bonus equal to the number rolled. This lasts until the end of your next turn.


Devilish Mind.

When concentrating on a spell from gained from your signed and sealed feature you are able to concentrate on another spell. When forced to make a concentration check for these spells however you make a single check, losing both spells on a failure. 


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