Adding Flavour: Memorable Magic Weapons

 As useful as a +1 sword is, no one cares about it in the long run. It’s a stat bonus nothing more, and will likely get traded in as soon as something mildly cooler comes along. Especially as some of the fun of fantasy, is having memorable weapons.
Excalibur, Sting, Rhindon, are beloved and famous for a reason.
One way to change that, and giving an item a connection, is through naming it. Either giving the item a name already, or giving the wielder the opportunity to name it as part of the attunement process.
With the name appearing on the blade, hilt etc for all to see.

Example names are:
  • Dawngrasp
  •  Console
  • Summer Reaping
  • Bite
Another way, is creating a skill challenge or puzzle to retrieve it. Such as an athletics check to free it from the rock, or a persuasion check to free it from the rooted grasp of a wood nymph.
The easiest way to create this connection however, is by making it slightly different from other weapons. Not just a +1 weapon, but a plus +1 weapon that also does something special. Even if that special thing offers no mechanical bonus.
You could always tie these things together as well. For example, it gains its bonus depending on how well a player does during a skill challenge, or based on the name they give it. Perhaps even based on a tarot card draw after having it identified by a mysterious warlock.
Below is a table that contains some fun visual effects, tied to a common magic property, which can be added to any normal weapon to give it a magical flair, or a +1 weapon to make it more unique. 


Visual Effect

Common Magic Property


A glass globe is embedded into the handle, with a small hillside scene inside.

It displays the current weather regardless of where you are.


Regardless of damage this item takes, this weapon always seems pristine. As do object it touches.

This item has a constant mending cantrip casting from it, as a result items take half damage to object.


The weapon is decorated with flowers and leaves, they change to match the current season.

When making an attack spectral petals (spring) leaves (summer/fall) or snow (winter) burst from the hit.


The hilt looks like a padlock and there are teeth cuts in the weapon, similar to a key.

Tapping a locked item with this weapon allows you to make a thieves tools check with proficiency.


Light and shade seem to be unaffected by this weapon. Making it a surreal item to look at.

While in your possession you no longer have a shadow.


A copper weapon with coins imprinted into the metal, and tied to a red ribbon at the end of the hilt.

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, copper pieces equal to the damage dealt drop to the floor. After 24 hours these copper coins dissolve into blood.


This weapon carries a pick sheen, and a sticky texture. Carvings of strawberry plants and bees decorate its entirety.

While wielding this item you can smell the scent of strawberries, and cannot be disarmed unwillingly.


Holes shaped like musical notes are cut into this design.

When swung this weapon makes a loud whistling noise, stopping you from gaining advantage from being hidden.


A long tail hangs from the handle, with a stripped pattern that works its way up the design.

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with this weapon, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.


Vines curl up around the grip of this weapon, and thorns decorate the actual weapon.

When you make an attack with this weapon, you can use your bonus action to cast the thorn whip cantrip. You cast this as if you were a level 1 character.


This weapon gleams a different colour every time the sun hits it. In the handle, a cut crystal sits in the centre, glowing softly during the day.

When you make an attack with this weapon, you can change its damage type to Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning or Poison.


On the haft of the weapon are loose golden chains ending in stars.

When you take the dash action, you are followed by falling stars.



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