Rogue Subclass: The Thrill Seeker (Redux)
Many rogues rely on stealth and cunning to attack their prey, however, you have learned by different means. Instead of sneaking and backstabbing you enjoy running in and out of danger without a care of safety, gaining the advantage with your unpredictable movements.
It was less likely this method was taught to you by a mentor, and more probably that you simply learned what you could get away with in a fight.
Dancing with Danger
At 3rd level, your lack of caution has trained your mind and body to react quickly to danger. You have advantage on saves against hazards and traps and can’t be surprised.
Also at 3rd level, when you end your turn within melee of a hostile creature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus for each hostile creature within melee.
Sly Movement
At 9th level, you become hard to pin down during combat. You gain the following benefits:
· You gain proficiency in Dexterity (acrobatics) and Strength (athletics) checks, and gain advantage on them during combat.
· You can move through an enemy creature's space and climb without a penalty to movement.
· Opportunity attacks you incur are made at disadvantage.
Quick Strike
Starting at 13th level, when you take the dash action you can also make one weapon attack during that movement.
Additionally, when you take the Uncanny Dodge reaction you make one weapon attack as part of that reaction.
Sudden Launch
Reaching 17th level, you can jump away from a fight. When you successfully deal sneak attack damage to a creature, you are able to use your reaction to spring away and jump half your movement speed without taking attacks of opportunity.
If you jump towards a hostile creature and have your bonus action available, you can use it to attack again, adding your sneak attack damage on a hit.
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